- This is my new website – Version 1 (9/10/00)

Example domain paragraphs

This is the latest version of my website, which I use to try out some sites I am dealing with. Please note that some of the sites may be temporary only - I have said so, in the narrative - and these ones may well be changed, before they are published on their own domains. They are therefore far from final!

Please note that I originally set up the sites at 1024 x 768 pixels, but I found that this forced viewers to constantly use the scroll bars. I have therefore readjusted the settings, which sometimes produces a wide blank screen at the side. One day, I'll get it right!

One of the sites I dealt with is Inverness Wine Appreciation Society This is the online (i.e. final) version, and it owes much to the help of the Treasurer, Bill Cameron