- Patty-Ann Waho | Sex & Intimacy Specialist | Keynote Speaker

Description: Patty-Ann Waho is a leading sex & intimacy specialist, keynote speaker & consultant. Her passion is to see others enjoying intimate & connected sex lives.

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WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF Experience the O.M.G Of Intimacy Online Program! SEE PATTY IN ACTION Ask Patty All your burning questions answered: raw, real and uncensored BOOK YOUR FREE 15 MIN VIRTUAL COFFEE DATE Sex-Life, Intimacy & SOUL Connection Guidance For Couples & Singles Patty is Australia’s leading sex & intimacy specialist who’s passion is to see men & women of all ages enjoying amazingly intimate & connected sex lives. Drawing from a range of disciplines, Patty uses her 10+ years experience to discove

An entertaining, honest and hilarious M.C, Patty-Ann is a sort after Keynote Speaker and Entertainer. While available for Podcasts, she is best experienced live where her disarming honesty will make your event one to remember.

As an entertaining presenter discussing borderline-taboo topics, from Women’s Events to Discussion Panels, Comedy Nights to Corporate Functions Patty-Ann has spoken around Australia at a variety of events. Guaranteed to leave a lasting (positive) impression, she interweaves belly-laugh stories with juicy tips, knowledge and offering a fresh and unique option for your next corporate, charity or networking event.

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