- Pathways Program™

Description: An educational and supportive program for people facing an advanced or chronic illness.

texas (12683) alliance (635) hospice (612) palliative care (301) hospice care (184) chronic illness (178) end of life services (4) terminal sickness (1)

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Making crucial choices is often a challenge for people living with advanced or chronic illnesses. Having the right information at the right time is an important way to achieve the ultimate goal of maintaining quality of life.

In a step-by-step, individualized, process the Pathways™ program provides just that kind of education for decision-making. Pathways™ can helps patients and families learn about the practical, emotional, spiritual and medical issues faced by those dealing with advanced or chronic illness. Participants actively learn more about the choices they have and ways to deal with the issues that chronic or advanced illness sometimes brings.

The specific issues addressed and the number of educational sessions varies depending on the needs and direction of the Pathways™ participants.