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We are all on a journey. We each are each choosing a path to find our way through the maze of life with all of its opportunities, challenges, uncertainties and tragedies.  There are many paths that lead in many directions. The problem is that so many people are lost as in a wilderness, or stuck and not able to move forward. We need a map. We need a compass. We need someone who can show us the way forward. For many, to discover the Jesus of ancient scriptures is to find "the way, the truth and the life." We

We are a band of friends who are committed to finding new paths together into the hearts of people so that we might share the love of Christ  among them. We do this through winning, discipling and equipping people in simple relational settings ... it might be in a home, in a business venue, within a family network or among an affinity group of friends who enjoy sports or other activities together. Some call it 'simple church' or 'organic church' To us, its all about the good news of the Kingdom which Jesus

Our Mission:

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