- Pastor Steve Richards | Living into the Journey

Description: Living into the Journey

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Last week, we (Amanda and me) spent a day hiking in Bandelier National Monument. We spent our day in one valley, and at one point hiked a mile to the top of the ridge. The ancestral Pueblo people arrived in this valley in the mid-13th century, building villages on the valley floor and also living in caves carved from the canyon walls. By the 15th century, the people moved on to other areas of what is now New Mexico. We spent our day exploring many of the caves, climbing the ladders to get inside their homes

The ancestral Pueblo people left no written history, and yet archeologists have learned much about the way they lived, how they established community, and the values that were important to them – all this just by uncovering what they left behind.

This week, I read the book, “Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life”, by Richard Rohr. He suggests there are two halves to life. The first half of our life is about finding the starting gate. It is creating the container of our lives and what makes us significant. But the second half of life is claiming the meaning and purpose of our lives and living into that meaning and purpose. To do that, we’ve got to leave home (i.e. our comfort zone) just as Abraham and Sarah left their comfort zone