- Pastor2K | A pastor's thoughts on 21st century spiritual life. Also, amateur nature photos.

Description: A pastor's thoughts on 21st century spiritual life. Also, amateur nature photos.

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Posted by Kerri Hefner in Bible study , devotional . Tagged: Genesis , wilderness . Leave a Comment

In Sunday school someone asked, what was the difference between Jacob and Esau?  Later in the class our Director of Christian Education read something about wilderness being a symbol for dislocation.  We studied Jacob’s dream in Genesis chapter 28.

God seems to work best through those who are willing to endure dislocation.  Esau, a lover of hunting, spent time outside but on his terms.  Esau was unwilling to wait for a marriage match that his parents would bless.  Supposedly he sold his inheritance because he was hungry and wanted food at that moment.  He seems to be a man unwilling to wait, perhaps unwilling to take a risk.