- The Past Life Perspective

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Although many people accept the principle of reincarnation -- that we are eternal beings, animating many different human bodies and personalities across the ages – many do not realize the profound, complex, and subtle ways that our past life experiences impact our current life and personality.  With the rapid and dramatically effective approach known as past life regression, clients retrieve their own memories of their prior lifetimes with the help of a professional guide. By unearthing and processing the m

This website is a place to learn more about past life work and the many areas where it has been successfully applied to current life challenges.  It is a resource for those who are new to the idea of past lives, as well as those who are very familiar with theories of reincarnation.  The website addresses several questions about past life regression, and hopefully dispels a few myths about it too!

Understanding and working with our prior lifetimes brings such enrichment to our current lives.  This can lead to significant transformations in how we view ourselves and the world.  It is, in fact, highly spiritual work.  Clients report a new perspective: a greater realization of the eternal nature of their being, their connection to others, and a closer experience of the love-filled energy that underlies all life.