- Parkinson Poly

Example domain paragraphs

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and aggressive neuro-dengerative disorder that occurs when there is a dopamine deficiency in the brain. The disorder is a constellation of debilitating symptoms that are continuous. Although the symptoms of the disorder can range from pre-motor effects to motor effects like stiffness, tremors, constipation and loss of muscle coordination, other problems and symptoms can appear as Parkinson’s progresses.

Some of the symptoms are directly related to the disease, while others are amplified due to the natural aging process. Out of all of these problems, dental diseases, along with their associated problems, must be handled as quickly as possible so the patient is more comfortable.

Some dental problems may occur because of the disease, and other become present as a result of the medication that is taken to manage the disease. In addition, some of the problems that are associated with Parkinson’s can make it challenging for patients to properly care for their teeth.