- Pariwar Pratishthan

ngo (1724) child labour (10) pariwar (4) pratishthan (1) pariwar pratishthan (1) child labourers (1) pariwar charity (1) pariwar trust (1) nikhil patodekar (1) patodekar (1)

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There are millions of child Labourers in the world, out of which a large number belongs to India. Child Labourers are trapped in poverty with little hope of escape. They are denied their right to education, making their future dark. Pariwar Pratishthan was initiated to try and make the future of child labourers brighter. Pariwar Pratishthan (NGO) is established with a determination to not only eradicate child Labourers but to change mindsets towards child education. We are now entering into 11th year of ope

In 1997 we started the work. In the initial phase, we concentrated on creating public awareness about child Labourer, eradication by way of rallies, essay competitions, seminars, meetings with other non government organisations, road shows etc. We tried to convince people that all labour is hazardous and harms the overall growth and development of the child.

In 2002, Pariwar Pratishthan was instrumental in doing an elaborate survey of Nanded district (Maharashtra state, India) to find out child Labourer. The findings of this survey were accepted by the state government and it involved Pariwar Pratishthan in initiating NCLP (National Child Labour Project) at Nanded district .