- 340B Recovery for Healthcare Providers | Cloudmed

Description: Identify missed opportunities for 340B pricing and strengthen future 340B performance and savings with Cloudmed.

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Increase 340B savings by identifying missed prescriptions written by both eligible and referred-to providers with a compliance-first, contingency-based solution that works with every TPA and contract pharmacy.

Streamline existing pharmacy operations and maximize 340B program value with Cloudmed’s compliance-first solution that works with every TPA and contract pharmacy to identify and automate what others can’t.

Maximize 340B program value with Cloudmed’s compliance-first technology that reviews ineligible claims to find prescriptions written by eligible and referred-to providers. Unlike manual review and solutions lacking centralized data across all pharmacies, our technology is comprehensive, easy-to-deploy, and compliance-focused, as evidenced by Cloudmed’s 100% audit pass rate. Built on the industry-leading 340B Referral Capture technology from par8o, a Cloudmed company.