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I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto , in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Science. I am also a faculty member at the Vector Institute where I hold a Canada CIFAR AI Chair , and a faculty affiliate at the Schwartz Reisman Institute . In 2022, I was named an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow in Computer Science .

My research interests are at the intersection of security, privacy, and machine learning. If you would like to learn more about my research, I recommend reading the blog posts I co-authored on , for example about proof-of-learning , collaborative learning beyond federation, dataset inference , machine unlearning , differentially private ML , or adversarial examples .

My research has been cited in the press, including the BBC , New York Times , Popular Science , The Atlantic , and Wired . I currently serve as a Program Committee Chair of the IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (SaTML) , which I co-founded in 2023. I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University, working with Prof. Patrick McDaniel and supported by a Google PhD Fellowship . Upon graduating, I spent a year at Google Brain where I still spend

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