- Paper for All is a charity/non profit helping children education with materials and volunteering in Burkina Faso and Africa. Ca

Description: Paper for All is a non profit which helps children education in Burkina Faso, Africa. Cahier pour Tous est une association loi 1901 pour l'éducation des enfants au Burkina Faso.

education (19846) children (9716) charity (6963) help (5528) non profit (4169) africa (3785) volunteer (2451) donate (2326) notebook (2092) burkina faso (155)

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The issue?  It is heart breaking to see children doing their best to learn in bad conditions.  How can children learn with no pen to write with? Getting education in these conditions becomes very hard and efforts are wasted. Here, a little help can make a big difference. Especially as 98% of donations go to children.  There is no employee or overheads at Paper for All.

The situation?   Children in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (and other countries) are proud to walk long distances (up to an hour) in the heat and dust to come to school and learn what their parents did not. 90 pupils sit in classes made for 45.  For lack of better means, they write in the margins of the notebooks already used by their brothers and sisters before.

The scope?   Paper for All focuses on improving bad education and learning conditions to enable better education and coutry development. The charity focuses on a select number of schools (~6 schools, ~2,000 children) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso to maximize impact.

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