- Be more active with the Pam activity monitor

Description: How do you know whether you're active enough? The Pam activity monitor and the online Pam Coach give the answer.

coach (8440) monitor (1179) activity (939) pam (150) more activity (1)

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Of course you know that sufficient physical activity is good for you. But how much is enough? One hour of sports every week? A walk every day?

Pam gives you an answer. Pam is a small device that you wear all day long and that registers all your movements. It translates what you do in the Pam Score. An average score of 20 or higher is already healthy. And for that you don't have to exercise. You don't have to break a sweat. Just a daily walk is enough!

The Pam activity monitor, with its on line Pam Coach, helps you to build more physical acivity into your daily life. You will feel fitter. You won't be tired as often. You'll be really healthier.