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Charter Planning for a holiday of your lifetime? Thinking of buying a yacht, but not ready to take the next step yet? Chartering might be the way forward for you, motor or sailing - the choice is yours. Whether you wish to have a serious adventure, get pampered in luxury, discover new locations or just leisurely cruise from one pristine anchorage to another – only you decide.

Superyacht services and Refit & Repair Balearic Islands are not only a popular cruising ground, their allure rests also on the fact that the islands offer professional and trustworthy services for superyachts. Whether your yacht needs a full refit, interior revamp, paint job, mechanics or delicate fine tuning of sensitive navigation or communication equipment, Palma is your top choice.

Palma International Boat Show is the inaugural event of the Mediterranean yachting season, hosting more than three hundred companies exhibiting a wide range new yachts under 24 m, the latest innovations in yacht equipment, water sports and nautical services. 

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