- Painting Over Silence - A Winnipeg Music Blog

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Howdy Folks! Thought I'd pop in for a quick hello and provide my definitive and inarguable list of the top ten records of 2014. That Kate Tempest record is something else. Check it out if you haven't heard it yet.  1. St Vincent - St Vincent 2. Alvvays - Alvvays 3. A Sunny Day in Glasgow - Sea When Absent 4. Spoon - They Want My Soul 5. Caribou - Our Love 6. Lykke Li - I Never Learn 7. Kate Tempest - Everybody Down 8. TV on the Radio - Seeds 9. Future Islands - Singles 10. Jenny Lewis - The Voyageur

So... ....most of you have deduced by now that this blog is on an indefinite hiatus. Painting over Silence has wildly exceeded all expectations. It started as a fun medium for me to keep track of upcoming concerts, conduct interviews with bands, review some albums, etc and quickly spiraled out of control. The inquiries from publicists, artists, and local venues was impossible to keep up with and I was spending 20-25 hours a week blogging during the peak of this site on top of working a full-time job and att

Howdy folks. Long time, no post. Been busy getting married and taking care of my new lab puppy (see Twitter for a pic) and building a fence and what not, so my blog's been a tad neglected. Anyway, hello again, Everyone. Here's an exciting concert announcement: Beach House is playing the Pyramid on Tuesday, September 30th! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I'm pretty excited. Caught them in Reykjavik a few years back, and the band was utterly fantastic. See ya there.