- Quantumly Confused

Description: Personal blog covering Quantum Computing, CTF events, Security Infrastructure, Cryptography, Emulator development, Quantum Technology and related adventures

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Walkthrough of NSEC 2023's two N64 ROM challenges. This post will cover the ROM analysis, including loading into Ghidra, extracting debug symbols from a separately provided file, and then stepping through the logic loop to determine the right input. Ultimately the challenge was solved using a memory buffer overflow arbitrarily calling the printflag() function.

Overview and walkthrough of the Xadanu QHACK 2023 Fall of Sqynet Track. Five challenges increasing in difficulty with a focus Ising Hamiltonians and QML to train a series of circuits on unknown grading input to within a tolerance.

Overview and walkthrough of the IBM Qiskit Fall 2022 Quantum Challenge which had a focus on Qiskit runtime and the primitives sampler and estimator. This post will cover how the challenges were solved and lessons learned.