ozone.me.uk - Only_Oli (The O_Zone) | A place for me to share Stuff

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At last, I have used my old Sherline Mill with the new Masso controller. This is part of a general upgrade of my tools in my workshop.

I started the upgrade process by replacing the old CO2 laser with a new 60W (just the emitter) and used the opportunity to upgrade the controller to a RUIDA , which now accepts a more modern software controller called Lighburn . I also bought a long overdue Honeycomb plate to prevent back burns on my cuts and finally improved the lighting in the cutting chamber with a new LED light. Not cheap overall, but I had not updated this tool for 10 years or more. The rest of the hardware is still in perfect conditio

While waiting for parts, I tried to use my CNC Mill and realised that it could do with an upgrade as well so I decided to splash out on a new Masso controller . I went for the touch version and am very pleased with it so far.

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