oxyclubcalifornia.org - Home

Description: Oxygen Club of California OCC is a scientific organization dedicated to enhancing interactions and providing meetings and discussion forums worldwide to those interested in free radicals in biological systems, oxidants and antioxidants in biology and medicine, micronutrients, nutrition and health.

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Promoting education and research to enhance human health

The Oxygen Club of California (OCC) is a non-profit scientific organization dedicated to enhancing education and promoting research in the field of oxidants, antioxidants, nutrition, micronutrients and free radicals in biology and medicine with the goal of promoting enhanced human health.

The Oxygen Club of California (OCC) is a non-profit scientific organization dedicated to enhancing education and promoting research in the field of oxidants, antioxidants, nutrition, micronutrients and free radicals in biology and medicine with the goal of promoting human health. Herein is a listing of the current officers and board members, a brief history of the OCC, a list of upcoming meetings organized or co-sponsored by the OCC. Additionally there is a collection of downloadable abstracts in PDF format

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