oxfordmusicnetwork.net - The Oxford Music Network

Description: The Oxford Music Network - A network of professional musical organisations in Oxford working collaboratively to make a full contribution to the cultural development of the region

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Our central objective: To ensure the professional musical organisations in Oxford work together to realise their potential through sharing information, building effective partnerships with each other and key cultural and statutory bodies, developing and delivering practical programmes, and contributing to and influencing arts policy in Oxfordshire for the benefit of the whole community.

The Oxford Music Network (OMN) exists as a co-operative forum to address the needs of the key professional music organisations in Oxford, and, by extension, their cultural programmes, audiences, and educational and outreach partners in the community.

It was set up in 2006 as a joint initiative by promoting organisations who had been actively working together for a number of years. The current members are Oxford Lieder , Music at Oxford , Oxford Contemporary Music , Jacqueline du Pré Music Building , The City of Oxford Orchestra , Orchestra of St John's , Oxford Bach Choir , Oxford Bach Soloists , SJE Arts , Instruments of Time and Truth , Faculty of Music, University of Oxford , Oxford Festival of the Arts and de Jager Auditorium - Trinity College

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