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As the Oxford Union Society (OUS) celebrates its Bicentenary Year, there is much on which to reflect - from notable debates that have reverberated around the world to the guest speakers who have been questioned and challenged by the Society’s members.

We are now seeking to secure the Oxford Union’s future by ensuring we can continue: to uphold free speech by inviting members and guests to challenge ideas in a historic setting that is fit for purpose; to preserve the unique architectural heritage of the buildings, irreplaceable artworks and two centuries of tradition; and to increase accessibility by removing physical and financial barriers to participation.

The Oxford Union’s ability to retain its independence rests on the purpose-built premises, notably the historic grade II* listed debating chamber, which provide a unique setting for world-famous debates and speaker meetings. The buildings’ grade II* listed status denotes the premises as having special architectural and / or historic interest considered to be of national importance. Fewer than 6% of all listed buildings in England have grade II* status.

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