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We present how to enhance classical generalized linear models by neural network features. On the way there, we highlight the traps and pitfalls that need to be avoided to get good statistical models. This includes the non-uniqueness of sufficiently good regression models, the balance property, and representation learning, which brings us back to the concept of the good old generalized linear models.

We explore new mechanisms to fund long-term care using housing wealth. We conduct and analyze an online experimental survey fielded to a representative sample of 1,200 Chinese homeowners aged 45-64 to assess the potential demand for new financial products that allow individuals to access their housing wealth to buy long-term care insurance. We find that the stated demand for long-term care insurance increases when individuals can use housing wealth in addition to savings to purchase long-term care insurance

This presentation – which admittedly is rather speculative – examines the financial implications of a sudden shock to mortality on the pricing of pension & life annuities. Now, a textbook approach would suggest that holding interest rates constant, an increase in mortality reduces the discounted value of longevity-contingent claims. Stated simply, life insurance gets expensive and annuities become cheaper. However, if the shock to mortality actually weeds-out the frail and merely advances imminent deaths, t