overkillanalytics.com - Overkill Analytics

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This website’s goal is to develop and explain a data science philosophy – overkill analytics – that leverages computing scale and rapid development technologies to produce faster, better, and cheaper solutions to predictive modeling problems.   To achieve this goal, one core question must be answered: when attacking data science problems, how can we use CPU as a substitute for IQ?   This post will discuss the fundamental ‘overkill’ weapon for addressing this question – ensemble learning.

Ensembles are nothing new , of course; they underlie many of the most popular machine learning algorithms (e.g., random forests and generalized boosted models ) .   The theory is that consensus opinions from diverse modeling techniques are more reliable than potentially biased or idiosyncratic predictions from a single source.    More broadly, this principle is as basic as “two heads are better than one.”   It’s why cancer patients get second opinions, why the Supreme Court upheld affirmative action , why n

Well, maybe the principle isn’t  universally applied.   Still, it is fundamental to many disciplines and holds enormous value for the data scientist.   Below, I will explain why, by addressing the following: