outbarriers.com - We make visible your shop for bling people. Reaches all the world.

Description: Con nuestra solución llegarás a todo el mundo y mejoras la accesibilidad de tu comercio.

comercio (709) accesibilidad (115) visible (32) alerta (32) ciego (8) deficiencia visual (2) outbarriers (1) invidente (1) persona ciega (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The accessibility of your business is one of the key factors in increasing your target market. Outbarriers make it possible for you to reach people with severe vision problems. Thanks to a beacon in your establishment, you will be able to add your company to their list of trusted businesses.

Our App is available for iOS and Android. You can experience with it how it is helping blind people on a daily basis.

Not everything is a question of concerning technology. It is important that the society takes consciousness about the real circumstances of people with visual disabilities. The app is also for those people that want to change the world into a better one. They would inform about dangerous points in the city and participate in different events.