ourstoriesourjustice.com - Our Stories, Our Justice

Description: A participatory storytelling project that centers individuals and their communities in a collective effort to (re)produce oral and visual histories that shine light on a continuum of radical leadership by BIPOC women.

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This project is inspired by Storming Caesars Palace and the stories of the grassroots women who led the Mother Power movement in the 1960’s and 1970’s. They cast off centuries of systemic racism, structural violence, and destructive narratives to create a blueprint for a just and equitable future. LEARN MORE > >

Centering individuals and their communities in a collective effort to (re)produce oral and visual histories that shine light on a continuum of radical leadership by BIPOC women.

Listen to stories collected at Our Stories, Our Justice events across the country.

Links to ourstoriesourjustice.com (1)