ourglass.watch - Ourglass Watch

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So, it’s been a while since I bothered to document anything, but if you’ve been following the git repo, you’d know that the work continues apace. v5 has come and gone; I made substantial changes to the layout, built a version with working pushbuttons, and wore it for a while there. Then, life caught up with me and I didn’t work on anything fun for a while, but now I’m back at it.

One day, while I was contemplating if I should add yet another feature, I thought that it really sucks that to add any features I have to change the board layout, wait two weeks for a board, and then see if what I’ve done actually works. Then I thought, why don’t I just break out a bunch of GPIOs and make Ourglass like a dev kit? That’s how v6 was born.

I’ve shared the new boards on OSHpark for the curious. Version 5 was an incremental improvement on 4, but rebuilt from scratch. All of the parts were moved around, and some features with interrupts were added. Version 6 is based on version 5, but the l-shape has been changed to a rectangle, the expansion header added, and now the design is double sided.