our-family-tree.me.uk - Family Tree beginning with George Elshaw born 1804, Goodwin, Dagnall, Johnson

Description: Family Tree beginning with George Elshaw born 1804.

johnson (473) goodwin (35) dagnall (10) elshaw (1) paula dagnall (1)

Example domain paragraphs

This family tree has grown over the years and we hope it will continue to grow in all directions as we find out more information. If you have information or photos that can be added please send via e-mail (max of 5MB) to me Paula Dagnall - [email protected] . or to Roy Goodwin - [email protected] or Peter Goodwin - [email protected]

One of the oldest photos I have, so far, is of Laura Horne who was the eldest of 9 and went on to marry John William Elshaw who fought and died in WWI. (They had 9 children of their own including Annie who is still alive today!) They had 15 grandchildren and many more great-grandchildren! The family trees have grown so much that it is difficult to show as one image. The trees are split up and where I have underlined a name it means it links to more information on another page.

The person traced furthest back in the family tree is William Elshaw born 4th April 1758 - 27th August 1839. I have a booklet full of information which I will type in and put on this site soon.