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We created this four story flagship for Urban Outfitters at the iconic Oxford Circus destination. We designed everything from the storefront to the interiors and all fixtures and furnishings. It features a vinyl shop and a central floating staircase.

We did the design concept for our friends at REI envisioning their new brand immersion hub. We were asked to convert a former parking structure into an experience. The location is right in the heart of Chicago’s “wild mile” along the north branch of the up-and-coming canal area. Our planning featured natural habitat improvements, pedestrian trails and walkways, fishing stations, viewing platforms, kayak launches, and many other amenities. Turning away from the busy Chicago arterial, guests will enter throug

Parked permanently at the basin nearby, a former industrial barge will be converted into a garden that is maintained by the community, almost like a miniature floating island. And with the new walking paths that will be established, you will be free to wander around and really take in the breadth of this hidden district in Chicago. And if you’re still craving more adventure, REI will be launching canoes and kayaks from their dock so you can try out their gear before you buy, allowing you to take a relaxing

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