- Michael W. Otte

Description: Michael Otte's research page on robotic path planning, distributed multi-agent systems, the design and application of algorithms for artificial intelligence, distributed systems, graph theory, and machine learning.

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I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland College Park. My home department is the Department Aerospace Engineering, and I am also affiliated with the Department of Computer Science by courtesy appointment, and a member of the Maryland Robotics Center. I am the the Director of the Motion and Teaming Laboratory .

My research is on the design and analysis of algorithms for autonomous vehicles and robotic systems. My major research thrusts involve: motion planning for single and multi-agent systems, and distributed algorithms that enable robotic teams and/or swarms to pool resources in order to solve their common problems. I am particularly interested in applications where the environment is hazardous and/or changing and communication is unreliable. My work involves elements of planning, control, robotics, multi-agent