oscillot.com.au - Cat-Proof Fence Rollers – Oscillot® Proprietary Ltd

Description: Cat-proof fence kits suitable for most fence types, Oscillot is the revolutionary outdoor cat containment system designed to cat proof your existing fence. The most straight-forward cat enclosure solution for keeping your cat contained safely in your backyard.

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Not-so-cat-loving neighbours? Local Council trapping? Dangerous dogs in the neighbourhood? Busy roads nearby? Or maybe you just want to make sure your feline family member is safe and lives the longest, healthiest life possible... There are many reasons to keep your cat contained with your property and you can solve them all with our revolutionary cat-proof fencing solution.

Available in easy to install Cat-Proof Fence Kits & suitable for most fence types, Oscillot® is the simple, safe & effective way to keep pet cats contained to the yard.

Our revolutionary cat containment system is designed for easy installation to existing fences of at least 1.80 metres in height to keep domestic cats from escaping over the fence & roaming beyond the property.

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