osano.com - The Intuitive Data Privacy Platform for Simplifying Compliance | Osano

Description: Osano simplifies privacy compliance by helping organizations build, manage, and scale their privacy program. Become compliant with the GDPR, CPRA, and more.

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Search Everything Documentation News & Blogs Website Avoid the privacy fines & damaging headlines . Let Osano help you manage your privacy program so you don’t have to worry about the risks of noncompliance. In five minutes, your website will go from liability to a shining example of how to do privacy right. And with our new No Fines, No Penalties Pledge , if you receive a platform-related fine from a Data Protection Authority while using Osano, we’ll pay the fine.

Meet the most popular privacy software in the world in 60 seconds. Watch the video!

Data compliance used to be a manual, complicated process. You don't need to be a compliance professional to use Osano. What used to take training and months of work, now takes minutes!

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