orthodoxfieldguide.com - A Field Guide to the Orthodox Church | A practical guide to the liturgical habits, customs, and oddities of the world's oldest c

Description: A practical guide to the liturgical habits, customs, and oddities of the world's oldest church.

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[Note: This is a repost from an AncientFaith.com blog that is no longer online. What follows was originally published February 2014 and subsequently has been lightly revised. If you find any errors or dead links, please shoot me an email . This post is a bit outside the usual material for this site, but as we ramp up to start putting more content online here, it seems reasonable to go ahead and archive it here. The content here is based on my current knowledge and experience, and is no substitute for health

By Jamey Bennett

During my first Orthodox Lent, my cradle Orthodox friend Joe Bush remarked (probably over hummus): “Lent’s funny, you know. When I was growing up, my aunts all gained weight during Lent.”