orpheumtheatreminneapolis.com - Hennepin Theatre Trust

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Now in its fifth year, Hennepin Theatre Trust is proud to feature a new cohort of local photographers to capture this vibrancy and display it in larger-than-life portraits that will join existing murals and public art projects within the District.

Since 1958 Brave New Workshop has been serving up champagne in a red, plastic cup as the people’s theater for the Twin Cities. Come join the party that has been making people laugh and think for over six decades, spawning the careers of legends who reshaped our nation’s media landscape by helping to create everything from Saturday Night Live to The Naked Gun to That 70s Show to True Blood. This is a rare opportunity to see a collection of what makes Brave New Workshop a Minnesota treasure.

We had the chance to sit down with Todd Duesing, incoming president and CEO of Hennepin Theatre Trust, to get to know him a little bit as he takes the reins at the Trust.