orionjewelrydesign.com - Orion Jewelry Design | Nature Inspired Handcrafted Jewlery

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My intention is to craft dependable, comfortable and memorable jewelry that feels like an authentic extension of ourselves and the ever changing seasons. I strive to create jewelry that somehow captures the feeling of connection and belonging in the natural world; Gathering up tiny moments of experience and stringing them together into something tangible that can be carried with you.

Using tools that allow me to interact directly with the material gives me the opportunity to carefully observe, and respond to the development of each piece. Creating the Mountains requires a very slow and intentional process; there is no way around that. Moving back and forth between the reduction and polishing processes countless times lets the silver speak for itself. Digging into the material with somewhat aggressive action, balanced by meticulous hand polishing, gives way to expressive textures that fe

“I rock Orion Jewelry because it fits my earthy personality. Val uses a lot of Jasper and that is one of my favorite stones. Her pieces are grounding and calming. I’m a huge fan of her work.”