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This is Part 2 of a series regarding my thoughts on various Orioles topics and will focus on former Orioles’ GM (Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations) Dan Duquette. You can read Part 1 which is about my thoughts on the Orioles’ picks in the 2020 MLB Draft here .

Dan Duquette is probably one of the most polarizing general managers in Orioles’ history. There are some who think he performed poorly and the only reason he had success was because of what previous GMs, namely Andy MacPhail had assembled for a core roster. Others think he was one of the best GMs in franchise history because of the success the Orioles and also the prospects in the farm system he left behind.

Sticking with that latter thought, Duquette was recently ranked fifth in a MLB.com article about the five greatest GMs in Orioles history . I personally think he is in the Top 5 and I’d rank him above Pat Gillick, who gets far too much credit for use of the Orioles’ checkbook and far too little criticism for the void that was left in the Orioles’ farm system after he was gone, a common trait of the teams he left.