orightbeauty.com - O'right 歐萊德

Description: O'right 歐萊德珍惜大地萬物與資源,制定綠色新標準,拒絕添加對身體健康與環境有疑慮的風險物質,奠定綠色商品領導地位,提供髮膚身體完善潔淨與保養,給消費者永續的全綠生活方案,產品包括洗髮精、護髮素、護髮油、養髮液、造型品及肌膚保養品等一系列專業環保美妝品。

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Example domain paragraphs

In September 2022, zero carbon beauty company O’right set off on a 23-day expedition across the Arctic to make an environmental documentary. On April 18th, O’right unveiled everything the team witnessed on the frontline of climate change in the gripping, eye-opening environmental documentary Melting Greenland at Vie Show Cinemas Taipei Qsquare. The long-awaited world premiere, supported by ESG practitioner E.SUN Financial Holding, saw 400 guests from the government, businesses and academic institutes sittin

Hidden in the vast desert of ancient Mesopotamia, veils disguise the façade of graying. Forbidden to change hair with black dye, her hair is encapsulated in time, revealing a secret...

In the summer of 2022, temperatures in Greenland spiked to around 30 degrees Celsius, the warmest on record. Climate advocate and ESG company O’right initiated the Melting Greenland project, and brought the team (consisting of United Daily News and Vision Project) to Greenland in hopes of seeing the impacts of climate change up close. Never did the team imagine finding a broken television set (Made in Taiwan, no less) amidst the marine debris. The “waste in question” traveled back with the team all the way