oregontravelmagazine.com - Mining Investment in time of geological change

Description: Mining has been looked upon as a polluter, but now there is a ‘rush’ for newly “discovered’ minerals that are an answer how to survive climate change. Net zero Nepheline Syenite geopolymer cement not only replaces green house gas in the production of an old fashioned Portland cement, and adds an almost off the scale ‘R’ insulation to affordable housing — which is forest fire resistant to 3000º for 4 hours.

independent mining co-op; working member and patron investors; r (1) independent mining co-op; working member and patron investors; r

Example domain paragraphs

[Meanwhile] Taking my family prospecting by horseback 2,500 miles, in while pioneering the Pacific Crest National Scenic trail, gives me the right as an early environmental observer in 1969 to predict in my Search for a Shadow coffee table book that California, Oregon, Washington that "smog" killing trees would lead to massive forest fires, followed by flash floods. We did find 'color' in a few creeks, which I took advantage of in the late 1980's when gold spiked to return to some 1850's camp that had enoug

I am also sorry to say that some hydraulic mining, and destructive open pit mining — cheaper than hard rock underground ventures— have somehow been part of the "unawares" problem. So, as editor/publisher of this linked publication from https://miningmagazines.com, again I find myself an explorer in doing it right by supporting EV mining equipment, and a no tailing piles left behind policy.

So, forward once again with a huge carbon credits established all ready grandfathered in Nepheline Syenite quarry, already signed up with ECO-Mining-Milling Limited Cooperative Association (a green Washington State LCA), based in part, before old growth "plywood peelers" disappeared, for employee owned CO-Plys which were very successful because all the team members kept the harvesting of natural wealth jobs from being exported by multinationals, overseas.

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