orblitz.net - Marc ten Bosch

Description: The personal website of Marc ten Bosch. Games: Miegakure, 4D Toys... Publications: N-Dimensional Rigid Body Dynamics... Talks: Let's remove Quaternions from every 3D Engine, Exploring and Presenting a Game's Consequence-Space, Designing to Reveal the Nature of the Universe...

game (9059) programming (6408) game design (594) dit (114) game programming (78) digipen (8) miegakure (4) crimson legend (2) orblitz (2) digipen insitute of technology (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Miegakure is a platform game where you explore the fourth dimension to solve puzzles. Our world is three-dimensional: width, depth, and height. But what if there was a fourth physical dimension that we cannot see, in addition to the other three?

I present a formulation for Rigid Body Dynamics that is independent of the dimension of the space. I describe the state and equations of motion of rigid bodies using geometric algebra. Using collision detection algorithms extended to nD I resolve collisions and contact between bodies. My implementation is 4D, but the techniques described here apply to any number of dimensions. I display these four-dimensional rigid bodies by taking a three-dimensional slice through them. I allow the user to manipulate these

A Video/Article Combo with Interactive Diagrams.

Links to orblitz.net (1)