optimisticrollup.com - Optimistic Rollups versus ZK Rollups?

Description: Layer 2 (L2) solutions usually work by running transactions off the main chain, and in this post we’ll be looking at Optimistic Rollups vs ZK-Rollups.

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This increased load on the network leads to increased gas fees and slower transaction times, which greatly impacts the network’s scalability. Layer 2 scalability protocols are one of the many solutions that have been brought up to solve Ethereum’s scalability issue. 

Layer 2 (L2) solutions usually work by running transactions off the main chain, and in this post we’ll be looking at ZK-Rollups in particular.

Rollups process transactions off-chain, primarily on a rollup-specific chain, and then batches, compresses, and delivers the transaction data to the main Ethereum chain; this lessens the strain on the main Ethereum network by actually executing those transactions.