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It has been a while in the making but we are very excited to launch the new Vulkan website to the community. Don’t worry, Vulkan is still maintained and owned by The Khronos Group; we just felt that it had outgrown its old website now that it has been five years since the Vulkan 1.0 launch.

The original Vulkan website was designed for the launch of a cutting edge new API that would, initially, have limited official materials and community content. The old website performed that role admirably, but Vulkan has come a long way and we now have a large and increasing amount of tools, libraries, educational material, and news to showcase that a single page website cannot handle. The new website allows us to gather all these currently disparate internal and community resources in a single, easily nav

Our primary goal with the new site was to place key resources prominently to allow developers to quickly and easily find what they need. With this in mind, each page has buttons in the banner leading straight to the most essential and popular resources. If you need the Vulkan Specification, SDK or Guide you can just jump straight there, no digging needed.

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