- OpenESG: Sustainability Data Infrastructure for Everyone.

Description: OpenESG enables all companies to embed ESG metrics into their business models and optimize their outcomes for the benefit of everyone.

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Privacy Preferences Essential cookies Required Marketing cookies Essential Personalization cookies Essential Analytics cookies Essential Reject all cookies Allow all cookies Save preferences GDPR Privacy Policy Eberhard Ruess Eberhard is a former corporate Vice President at the world’s largest Food & Beverage company with 30+ years professional experience across Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Information Technology and Mergers & Acquisitions. This includes 20+ years of operational and project experience, mana

For the past 8 years, he has been part of the global IT leadership team. First, he led IT for supply chain and procurement, and then in the role of head of the CIO office, he oversaw the transformation of the company's IT from a project-based operating model to a product-based operating model, impacting several thousand employees.

In his third stage of life, Eberhard is particularly interested in how to get many people excited about the planet. How to activate them without restricting freedoms. He hopes to bring this and his views on how to transform IT from ‘useful to easy’ into the Expert Network of OpenESG.