- Online Pharmacy News:

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If you are under impression that the term ‘online pharmacy’, coined somewhere in the early aughts, is as plain as it looks to an inexperienced eye, this piece is for you. Turns out, there are hidden depths and dimensions to the concept of online pharmacy business. Which is not at all illogical, if you consider the field of expertise virtual healthcare product providers apply themselves to. In contrast to online shops retailing all other sorts of consumer and mass consumption goods, in case of online pharmac

Let’s start with some principal terms. Online pharmacy can be defined as an established pharmaceutical and healthcare product supplier that takes orders using the Internet and dispatches them with a shipping service or mail agent. They are not very much different from community pharmacies, of course save for the absence of physical housing. Still, as wide practice would have it, a growing number of brick-and-mortar local pharmacy stores launches a parallel online business (as it was done by My Canadian Heal

Online pharmacy ordering provides an extra level of convenience, as well as saves considerable amount of money. For a number of reasons, most of which are associated with rent, maintenance and workman force expenditures, the cost of drugs in online pharmacies can be [50 to 80 per cent] lower than at conventional stationary drugstores.