- Online Co-Pilots

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Online Co-pilots is an online resource, created by young people in Folkestone & Hythe. This website has been designed and built by pupils at Folkestone School for Girls, with animated films, graphics and additional content by teens from Folkestone Academy, The Harvey Grammar School, Birchwood PRU and Shepway Youth Hub. In collaboration with ‘Young Animators Club’ the Online Co-pilots aim to help young people, parents, carers and Educators navigate online environments safely.

Ashleigh, age 17 Online Co-pilot “Social media can expose us to potentially harmful content, interactions and relationships but being a new aspect in people's lives over the last couple of decades, adults can have very limited knowledge of what teenagers might experience. Therefore, the Online Co-pilots aim to draw on their own knowledge and experiences growing up with social media to provide simple tips through their animations and links to useful help and advice.”