- Welcome

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We are bringing people together who want to affect change in their communities. Through small acts of kindness, we are inspiring each other and our communities. We believe if we put aside our differences, just to help out our neighbors we can learn to appreciate the value of each person. We hope you can also be one person who cares and join us on our journey.

We are trying to connect people with similar thought processes as ours that want the World to be a better place but aren’t sure just how to do it. Founded by Jerry and Linda Carter in 2022, OneofUs.Care continues their life-long vision of encouraging the world, one person at a time. OneoUus.Care aims to bring neighbors together to improve each other’s lives through volunteerism and fellowship. Selected projects are already funded but need people willing to devote their time to complete them. We are located

Want to join our cause? Just pick a project date and show up ready to work! Check our calendar of upcoming projects and see which one fits your volunteering needs.

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