- Social Design Strategy | OneLevelOut

Description: There is no ultimate perfection; just moments of it. And to live is to learn how to see them.

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I started out this blog writing a post about The Importance of Identity . Growing up feeling lost and disconnected from the people around me, I – like many others – felt it imperative to define myself so as to fit in and “survive.” But “identity,” like many things we think we need, is just a mental construct, created by the perceptions we form about ourselves in the context of our respective communities. And because, as young people, our minds first learn more about our surroundings than they do about our o

Society is full of paradoxes, and as you learn and grow, it’s difficult to know when to listen and when not. While we are constantly fed messages about self improvement and idealized goals, we simultaneously see that no matter how far we get, there are always more messages telling us that we’re not there yet, not “__” enough. Though we are a society constantly obsessed with running and “moving forward,” we rarely share a clear understanding of where exactly we’re going. Try as we might, it becomes clear tha

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