- The TRUTH About Preservation Station

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It's hard to see an advertisement or internet site of animals being abused or exploited. For most people, this fuels a sense of outrage and makes us think "how can this be allowed to happen?" When we hear a cry for help, we instinctually want to stop what we are doing and help rid the world of these injustices . At first glance this seems like the noble thing to do.

If we look closer, however, the animal rights movement is not entirely the wholesome and altruistic venture it leads patrons to believe that it is . For the average consumer, the prospect of doing good in the world is an attractive goal, and so it should be. Unfortunately, unscrupulous organizations deliberately create campaigns of misinformation by tugging on the heart strings of animal lovers everywhere. Lured in by imagery designed to elicit an emotional response, many people are duped into working again

Further up the food chain of these seemingly noble protest groups, we find a much less savory motivation for calling the masses to action, money. The animal rights industry in the U.S. alone generates nearly one half billion dollars per year. Less than one percent of this money goes to saving animals in any manner whatsoever. Instead, this money is used to create more propaganda of exploitation and abuse, to further a political agenda which attacks legitimate businesses and organizations. It seems that some