- One Day I Too Go Fly – an African lens on the world

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an African lens on our world

Home NAIJA BETA Blog Thanks Filmmakers Contact Our Films BRIEF TENDER LIGHT BRIEF TENDER LIGHT (previous working title ONE DAY I TOO GO FLY) is a feature length documentary following four students from Tanzania, Rwanda, Zimbabwe and Nigeria as they go through undergraduate studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). As they arrive from diverse African backgrounds and immerse themselves in the challenge of rigorous academics and navigating a new world, we embark with them on a unique quest –

Dreaming of shaking up education in Nigeria, a team of Nigerian and Nigerian-American MIT students heads home one summer to teach technology to high-schoolers through a competitive robotics camp in Lagos. As they seek to contribute to a new and better Nigeria, their ideals are tested by reality. Learn more about the award-winning NAIJA BETA documentary at .