- Wood Window and Sash Repair / Restoration Services

Description: One Call Enterprises is a group of specialized craftsmen dedicated to helping home owners repair, restore, renovate and maintain their wood windows in the greater Houston, Texas area. If you live in or have purchased a historic home and/or need your wood windows or sashes repaired, restored or replaced, would like to maintain you home but want authentic elements installed or repaired, or want any other job done in your historic home, One Call can solve all your house problems.

one call home handyman (12) one call enterprises (5) historic home repair (5) historic home remodeling (4) historic home maintenance (4) historic home elements (4) historic home element repair (4) draft proofing wood windows (4) draft proofing windows (4) draft proofing doors (4)

Example domain paragraphs

One Call Enterprises, Inc. (One Call) has worked with historic wood windows in the Houston, TX area for over 40 years and has fostered relationships with tradesmen that can repair, restore and replace, if necessary, any type of wood window or sash. The type of wood window is not relevant, but the most common type of window used in the world is the double hung sash wood window.

Anatomy Of A Wood Double Hung Sash Window

At some period in our past, our elders forgot to tell our parents that our homes and wood windows needed to be maintained or the house and wood windows would not last. As a result, we have entered the "disposable generation", which allows the very character of our historic homes to deteriorate to the point where homes and their windows are being sent to the trash heap. These historic homes and their historic elements are being replaced by petroleum based, or new growth products, most of which are not capabl