- Omodudu

Example domain paragraphs

India is becoming the the epicenter of our ever the flatening world. I look forward to the day that Nigeria will impact the rest of the world the way the Indians and Chinese have done. Further tipping the trade balance, so that when Nigeria sneezes, the rest of the world shivers. Right now it is in the interest of the world for India to thrive, because some of these companies are poised, to bring about the next wave of growth in the global economy. My opinion is that we have it easier than India, we just ha

Addition Comment; Another story poised to emerge out of India is Medical Tourism/ Outsourcing. India is building world class private facilities staffed by docs of Indian origin who have studied and worked in the U.S. With procedures often costing 1/10 th of those in the U.S., increasing amounts of Americans are already travelling there.

From draft folder written in April, updated today. Apologies that the [post is short on links. Hey I am looking to crowd source my paper for the Institute of International Affairs, any ideas.