- Jesus the Christ's World Teachings & OM Meditation

Description: This is an auspicious opportunity to come together and meditate with the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ, for planetary healing, the healing of humanity and to receive His healing blessings. Christ would like to share with all of humanity the importance of group meditation with Him and help you learn the most important of all meditations - The OM Meditation. He offers humanity this gift through a combination of instruction, invocations, evocations, puja and in-depth dharma teachings. Each week He leads th

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Join Tulku Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus the His daily planetary healing  OM  meditations, offered as an online event every night, generally live two times per week, and then replayed around the world. This is an opportunity to help Planetary and Personal Ascension from wherever you are located and to help Christ make this a more heavenly place for us all! Be sure to join us whenever you are able. H.H. Buddha Maitreya and His wife H.H. Mandarava Tara have received many honors that corroborate

watch the full teaching above about Easter and the Noosphere – OM Meditation & Dharma Teaching given live on Easter 2022

select an image above at any time to open a full-screen slideshow

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