- Buy real estate with bitcoin

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Buying Real Estate is part of the American dream. For those who have never been down the “buying real estate” path yet, you just…

1. Get Pre-Approved. Even if you don’t think you can afford it, or are concerned about a down payment, or your credit – the first thing you should do is talk to a skilled mortgage lender. It’s their job to help you fix your credit, tell you how much you can afford, and help make it all happen. They will advise you if a down payment is needed (it may not! Many people arrange to buy a home with nothing down, $500 down, or 5% down), how much your monthly payment will translate to (i.e. tell them you want to sp

2. Once you meet with a mortgage lender, you’ll get a letter of pre-approval. It looks informal, but what matters is the listing agent (representing the sellers of a house you later want to buy) calling them and doing some research on whether you can in fact close and purchase the property. You then take this letter to a Realtor (R) / Real Estate Agent (note: Realtor is a real estate agent that adheres to a code of ethics; for practical purposes they’re essentially the same, though a Realtor(R) has more acc

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